Tree & Bush
Gantec’s Biodapt® technology improves conditions for optimal growth and quality in fruit and bush crops. The highly available and effective products help maximize positive outcomes in a variety of settings and challenges.
Cost-effective and easy to apply with existing chemicals and fertilizers
Increased nutrient uptake, particularly of key nutrients such as calcium, boron, and manganese
Corresponding reduction in nutrient deficiencies and related disorders
Enhanced conditions to maximize both yield and quality
Elevated performance in stressful temperature and moisture condition
Please note, application information below is intended as a general guide only.
For more detailed application information contact your Gantec fertilizer representative or agronomist.

Recommended Product
Nutriforge™ Calcium Max / GantecPro™ 1-0-0
Use Rate
1 - 2 quarts
# of Applications
5 - 8
Frequency & Timing
For best results, apply foliar Nutriforge™ Calcium Max
at 1-2 quarts per acre, starting with pre and post bud applications, then every 2-4 weeks until just before harvest. Where calcium is not deficient, substitute GantecPro™ 1-0-0 at 1-2 pints per acre.
Up to 95% reductions in bitter pit incidence vs standard calcium treatments, and typically under 5% total bitter pit loss in treated stands
Improved calcium and boron uptake documented in both leaf and sap testings
multiple trials in the midwest
and the pacific northwest

Recommended Product
GantecPro™ 1-0-0 / Nutriforge™ Calcium Max
Use Rate
1 - 2 pints
# of Applications
4 - 6
Frequency & Timing
For best results, apply foliar GantecPro™ 1-0-0 at 1-2 pints per acre, starting at green tip and then every 2-4 weeks through 50% ripe fruit. For Florida applications, make 1-2 sprays in fall before dormancy and 2-4 sprays starting in mid to late January. For calcium deficient situations, substitute Nutriforge™ Calcium Max at same rates.
14% increase in brix &
15% increase in calcium uptake
five foliar sprays
- Michigan Blueberry Growers Association trial -
36% increase in late season marketable fruit
- Michigan State University Trial -

Recommended Product
GantecPro™ 1-0-0
Use Rate
1 quart
# of Applications
4 - 6
Frequency & Timing
For best results, apply foliar GantecPro™ 1-0-0 at 1 quart per acre 4-6 times throughout the growing season, spaced at least 4 weeks apart.
29% increase in
Valencia orange yield
foliar applications over two years
- Independent trial -
20% increase in Minneola yield
foliar applications

Recommended Product
GantecPro™ 1-0-0 / Nutriforge™ Calcium Max
Use Rate
1 - 2 pints
# of Applications
5 - 8
Frequency & Timing
For best results, apply foliar GantecPro™ 1-0-0 at 1-2 pints per acre, starting at pre-bloom and continuing every 1-3 weeks until the start of harvest. For calcium deficient situations, substitute Nutriforge™ Calcium Max at same rates.
20% increase in yield following
heavy frost winters in Michigan
Significant increases in uptake
of calcium and boron
with foliar applications of Nutriforge™ Calcium Max